Monday, August 31, 2015



COMMUNICATION - The Jefferson folder is the primary vehicle for communication between school and home.  It should be carried back and forth each day.  Tuesday is notice day and the school will make every attempt to send papers on that day. The folder should however, be checked daily since we may need to send notices on other days as well.  Notes can be sent to school in the folder and I will check it each morning as well. I check e-mail regularly and can be reached at MARKSC@FRANKLIN.K12.MA.US . Check out our class blog (obviously you already have if you're reading this :-) ) on a weekly basis for updates. If you subscribe, you should get notifications each time I post!



HOMEWORK -  Homework is meant to be an extension of what we're learning in school. It is not meant to be overly challenging, but rather reinforcement of the skills & concepts taught each day. If your child is struggling to complete it, please reach out so we can work on a plan for making it less stressful. Homework is given Monday through Thursday. Reading is always a part of homework.   While I want children to read on their own, but it is also important for children to hear read-alouds on a regular basis.  I hope this practice is already well established in your home.  If not, it is never too late to start.  Beginning readers benefit from hearing your expression, emotion and fluency during reading.  It is also a great way to associate fun and comfort with reading! Along with nightly reading, we will have a Fundations packet with practice ideas for each unit and a math paper. This paper will be double sided. Your child can chose which side to complete and if they want more of a challenge, they can do both!



LUNCH - A hot lunch will be served in the school dining room each day.  First grade lunch is at 10:45 and lasts 20 minutes.  The cost in $2.20 and this includes milk. If your child prefers to bring a lunch from home, milk may be purchased separately for $.50.  All purchases can now be done using your child's lasid number and account.  This allows you to place money in your child's account and check the balance on your computer.

SNACK - There will be a twenty minute snack and read aloud each afternoon.  Please send one nutritious snack and a drink. It doesn't need to be a lot! Also, please make sure your child knows the difference between his/her snack & lunch. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

J13 Specialist Schedule

Specialist Schedule for J13:

Monday: Library 

Tuesday: Art

Wednesday: Health

Thursday:  Music

Friday: PE