Thursday, May 3, 2018

What a week!

What a week!!!

I know it's been a while since I've posted. We have been SO busy in J13!!! 

Each Spring, I am AMAZED at the growth my little first grade friends make. This year is no different. It seems that overnight they are ready for second grade. SIGH....
I know they are your babies, but for 9 months, they are my babies (muchkins) too. We experience everything that a family experiences...the good, the bad, the ugly, the funny, the wild, the crazy. Its's always this time of year that I just want to hang on to them a bit longer and watch them grow even more. They've made HUGE strides in reading and writing, developed incredible problem solving skills in math, grown as friends, learned how to be a more caring, team player, how to get up in front of an audience and perform, work through their fears and show a sense of pride. WOW!!! And they are only 6 and 7!!!! Like I said....AMAZING!!!! Here's a glimpse of our week...

We planted seeds for a garden.
(pictures to follow)

We had a special parent visitor who taught us about collages.

We ran an all-school meeting about compliments and ROCKED IT!!!!! (video to follow)

We soaked up some sunshine in the outdoor classroom while reading our favorite books.

Tomorrow we will host teacher guests for a "poetry slam!"

Things are moving and shaking in J13 and we're all so happy to be a part of it. Enjoy the pictures and I will send along videos soon. Talk to your child about all of these special moments at school. They are something to be proud of!

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