Monday, August 31, 2015



HOMEWORK -  Homework is meant to be an extension of what we're learning in school. It is not meant to be overly challenging, but rather reinforcement of the skills & concepts taught each day. If your child is struggling to complete it, please reach out so we can work on a plan for making it less stressful. Homework is given Monday through Thursday. Reading is always a part of homework.   While I want children to read on their own, but it is also important for children to hear read-alouds on a regular basis.  I hope this practice is already well established in your home.  If not, it is never too late to start.  Beginning readers benefit from hearing your expression, emotion and fluency during reading.  It is also a great way to associate fun and comfort with reading! Along with nightly reading, we will have a Fundations packet with practice ideas for each unit and a math paper. This paper will be double sided. Your child can chose which side to complete and if they want more of a challenge, they can do both!

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